Search It

​REGISTRATION FEE: Rs.100 per team


1.Each Page consists of combination of pictures, and participants have to solve the puzzle using any search engine and find the answers. the answer is in the images and may consist of one word or one sentences.Maximum no of participant per team 2. 2.Think like Sherlock. 3.Each page has one question. 4.You can use any search engine to find answer.Usage of mobile is prohibited. 5.Time limit to solve puzzle is 40 minute. 6.Answer may consist of one word or one sentence. 7.Answer must be exact to the question. 8.Fill out your Name and USN and corresponding answer in given google form. 9.If tie breaker happens, the team who took less time to solve will be announced as winners!

Faculty co-ordinator
Prof. Srivinay
Student co-ordinators