Mad Adds

​REGISTRATION FEE: Rs.200 per team


1.Minimum 3 teams required for the judgement
2.Duration is 10+5 minutes (3 minutes for stage setting)
3.Maximum number of member, in a team (8+2)
4.The caution should be taken to refrain from the displaying obscenity, violence, prejudice, defamation etc. Negative marking will be allotted in case of vulgarity.
5.Scripts for MAD ADS must be screened before acting and no deviation from the accepted script is permitted
6.Judges decision is final.
7.Judgement will be based on :
a.Presentation b.Variety c.Skill

Faculty co-ordinators

Prof. ARUN .R 9972720816
Prof. ARJUN.S 9739674427

Student co-ordinator

Alok kumar 9035813614
Ananda M 7760556487